I just noticed the other day that Marissa has 2 more teeth. She finally cut her top 2, I think eye teeth. Which ever teeth they are she now has 18. She had a rough time getting these ones in. I felt so bad for her. All of her other teeth came in with just a slight fever but not these ones. She had a fever, was cranky and had some really poopie diapers. I hope that when her bottom 2 decides to come through they don't give her a rough time.
Next week I will be taking Marissa to her 18 month well check up. I can't believe that she is almost 1 1/2 years old, crazy. I'm really not looking forward to her getting shots. I normally try to make Billy go with us but he is unable to take off, grr. I am looking forward to seeing how much she has grown.
Ok I gotta go, American Idol is on and I am hoping that Danny gets kicked off tonight.
Propane Torch Flame Temperature
3 months ago
18, wowie, that is a lot!!! I think we're at about 9 or so! I hope her shots go well! That is never any fun :(